When women make us want to tear our hair out

Sometimes, it seems to us men that women do certain things either to get back at us or to get attention. Trust me, these things are extremely annoying and have us wanting to crawl up a wall. These things include the following.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Sometimes, it seems to us men that women do certain things either to get back at us or to get attention. Trust me, these things are extremely annoying and have us wanting to crawl up a wall. These things include the following.Taking ages to get ready:-  while we understand that it takes a bit of time to get ready to face the world, but sometimes it’s too much. If you need 2 hours to get ready, get organized and don’t wait for the last minute.Constantly complaining when we are watching our favorite television show:-  If you don’t like football, go visit a friend or go settle in the room with a good book. Men have a right to enjoy their favorite programmes on TV as well.Systematically double-checking what he has done when he gives you a hand:- It all seems like a mother thoroughly checking the work of an incompetent child. Surly will you get that offer of help again?Giving him lessons and unwanted advice:- Don’t make a married man think that he still lives in his mother’s house. Talking over things is much better than lecturing your man.Constant mood swings:- We are used to mood swings because they are typically feminine but ladies have to know there are limits. You can’t constantly be aggressive; it will soon be too hard to bear.Vacuuming the room when we’re in the room:- Although this can certainly be done another time but you still insist on doing it right then. Though it’s the right thing to do, can’t you do it at another time really?