Excuses can never cover up poor grades

Often times when students produce a bad school report card, they always find excuses to cover up for their bad performance.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Often times when students produce a bad school report card, they always find excuses to cover up for their bad performance.There is always a reason why their grades are not up to the required expectations. From shifting blame to their different subject teachers, to forging that they were sick or that the exam questions were not covered in the syllabus, there is always an excuse.  This attitude doesn’t help at all—blaming one’s failure on people and unfortunate occurrences all the time is a sign of irresponsibility. However, by accepting that you produced poor grades because you didn’t give it your best, is a first step to improving. You must learn that every school girl or boy has ups and downs and it’s normal.When you allow yourself to blame others by creating excuses, it means that you believe that you have no problem. Once you don’t accept your wrong and try to change, the same problem will happen every term—and at the end, you will be the one who losses out.Children need to understand that their parents have been in school before and so they know when lies are told about poor performance. Children should always tell the truth about why they performed badly. Parents understand and know how to help you improve.If you read hard but still fail, talk to your parents or teachers and let them help you. Having poor grades doesn’t always mean that you are dull; it could be a result of many things related to your family, social or even financial situation.  When you talk about why you have difficulty performing well, these elders can help you out because they are the best experts when it comes to excelling at school. If you are not comfortable talking to your parents, talk to an older brother, sister, auntie or uncle. They too can help you.