Your weight shouldn’t compel you into forceful fasting

Over the weekend, I received an email from a 14-year-old girl, who we shall call Josiane, (I am not sure she wants me to mention her real name).    

Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Be different and be proud of who you are. Net photo.

Over the weekend, I received an email from a 14-year-old girl, who we shall call Josiane, (I am not sure she wants me to mention her real name).In her email, Josiane said she has an uncontrollable appetite for food and, therefore, she eats a lot. As a result, she has gained a lot of weight and is depressed by this fact."My parents complain that I am so fat so I have resorted to fasting because I don’t like the way I am fat. My parents are now angry with me for fasting yet they are the very same people that complain about my size,” Josiane stated.She seemed frustrated about her weight and asked for advice on how to lose it.Well, I know there are so many teenagers who are facing the same problem as Josiane’s. However the solution shouldn’t be starving yourself. It actually doesn’t work.As a teenager, your body is still growing and facing many changes since you are going through the adolescence stage.However if you have a problem of eating too much and have an out-of-control appetite, then you should revise your eating habits.It’s advisable that you have all the necessary meals you’re supposed to have in a day, meaning that forceful fasting or starving won’t be a remedy for your weight issues.Try to drink a lot, especially water and juice such that at the time of eating, you won’t have to consume a lot.Water and juice are appetite depressants so they will help you eat a reasonable amount of food.Another reason you shouldn’t starve yourself is that by the time you decide to eat after being hungry all day, you will have to naturally consume a lot of food since you’ve deprived your body of what it needs. If you want to look healthy (this doesn’t mean looking skinny), then eat healthy and exercise.Eating healthy calls for cutting out on the excessive consumption of junk food such as chips, chaps, sausages, deep fried chicken and other oily foods.I know junk food is yummy and almost irresistible but it’s the same food that will make you put on a lot of weight that you might not like.Food prepared at home is most of the times healthy so eat that and drink water before and after meals.Learn to exercise as well as keep your body busy to maintain a healthy weight. As you exercise and maintain a positive attitude to life, understand that however you look, you are beautiful and unique because we are all fearfully and wonderfully made!