Strive for success

Success is a word we have all heard every now and then. However, the question we must ask ourselves, is whether we fully understand it’s true meaning.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Success is a word we have all heard every now and then. However, the question we must ask ourselves, is whether we fully understand it’s true meaning.Joe Knapp, an author, once said that, ‘success is living up to your potential.’ As teenagers, we need to learn to wake up each single day with the right attitude to go after life—live it, enjoy it, taste it, smell and feel it. Many people will define success as what they have achieved in life.  Let us take the example of William Award who said that the recipe for success is to, ‘study while others are sleeping, work while others are loafing prepare while others are wishing.’What he tried to mean was that to achieve success, you have to go an extra mile. This holds true for the saying, ‘Extra ordinary people do ordinary things extra ordinarily well.’ When you think that you have become a success, always be humbled and identify with common people. When success and achievements call for us to become proud and despise others, you should always remember that when you see the best in people, you help to bring the best out of them. I have heard quite a number of teens say that they cannot make it in this life. Why is it so? Who told you that there was something wrong with you? Your destiny is not determined by the superficial beliefs of others, but by your determination to become the best.Remember that our words set the direction for our lives. Change the way you speak and think about yourself and you can change your life’s direction. When you say you are a failure you will be one, you have to start making positive declarations over your own life. You should always believe big. The size of your belief determines the size of your success. When you think small, you should expect little achievement—the opposite stands true. I know the dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself in but believe me, when you set your heart onto something, you will not be disappointed. Remember, nothing that you have done is too much for the mercy of God. Finally yet important, you have to persevere and endure in every situation. Through perseverance, the snail reached Noah’s ark and survived the flood. Above all, remember that successful people are not superhuman. There is no magic about success; it does not require super intellect to succeed—all it takes is hard work, discipline and endurance.