Why don’t girls like me?

I’m very sure there are a lot of boys out there who have asked themselves this question or are doing so right now: ‘Why don’t girls like me?’ You are finally old enough to date and have tried asking girls out for a soda but you always get turned down.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Girls identify with boys who are cultured and respectful. Net photo.

I’m very sure there are a lot of boys out there who have asked themselves this question or are doing so right now: ‘Why don’t girls like me?’ You are finally old enough to date and have tried asking girls out for a soda but you always get turned down. Yet you are very confident about yourself and think you have all it takes for girls to follow you around like bees do flowers.Well, let’s read what these girls had to say when they were randomly asked on what made them  turn their backs on boys."One boy who was interested in me had really bad breath and I couldn’t get past that.” – Mutoni, 17. "I definitely find it attractive if a boy displays good manners both in small things, like opening the door for me, and larger things, like being kind and considerate not only to me but also to my family.” –Kamikazi, 19."I am put off when I’ve just met someone and he asks questions that are too personal, such as ‘who are you dating?’ and ‘What are your goals?’ I think it’s rude and annoying!” –Odette, 19. "I’m impressed when a boy can maintain a sensible conversation. It’s even more impressive if he remembers things I told him and asks questions that keep the conversation smoothly flowing.”—Sandrine,18."I would want to get to know someone better if he had a sense of humor but could also talk about more serious things without sounding fake.”—Umurungi,19."It irritates me when I say a definite no to a boy but he keeps on trying.”—Abigail, 17."I explained to one boy that I wasn’t interested in him, but he kept pressuring me for my phone number. I tried to tell him off politely and when he could not stop nagging me I screamed at him publicly.” –Sumaya,18."I think it’s very unattractive when someone flatters you yet you know that he has said the same things to your friend just a month ago.”—Teta, 18.So you see boys? It’s not about how good you look or how famous you or your friends are, how wealthy your parents are and how much "swag” you’ve got.

Your manners, personality, hygiene, attitude and respect towards the girls you talk to matters a lot. The next time you want to ask a girl out on a date, change that I-have-it-all attitude and humble yourself in a cool way.