TVET should focus on priority skills

One of the challenges affecting Rwanda’s investment drive is the lack of skilled labour. Recently, investors in the constructing industry complained about importing labour force, which increases their costs.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

One of the challenges affecting Rwanda’s investment drive is the lack of skilled labour. Recently, investors in the constructing industry complained about importing labour force, which increases their costs. There’s no doubt that the promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system is a practical strategy that best responds to the current and future labour needs.However, it is yet to achieve its set objectives. TVET requires time and big investments, especially in equipment and qualified instructors, if it is to become effective. That means it will take a few years before we start to see the results.Nonetheless, there are certain skills which are more urgent than others. It is critical that the labour market surveyors identify the skills gap as well as determine which sectors needed urgent attention.These should become the immediate priorities of TVET and more importantly, the most critical skills should align with the national economic priorities and the development trend on the ground.