There is need to redefine rape

Dear editor, The idea that having sex with a virgin cleanses you of AIDS does exist in Rwanda and there have been reported cases of this as a motivating factor for child rape, but the predominant evidence suggests that this is infrequently the case.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dear editor,

The idea that having sex with a virgin cleanses you of AIDS does exist in Rwanda and there have been reported cases of this as a motivating factor for child rape, but the predominant evidence suggests that this is infrequently the case.

This therefore suggests that this myth is not an important cause of rape. Infant and child rape will only be prevented if all forms of violence can be reduced in our society, poverty reduced, and a climate of gender equality and respect for women and girl-children promoted.

Rape too, ought to be redefined. All acts of coercive sex should be regarded as rape, irrespective of the circumstances. And communities should develop an environment where men are deterred from rape through threat of punishment.

To do this, more resources are needed for expanding the provision of medical staff trained in sexual assault examination and extending police and social work capacity for investigating and assisting rape cases.
