Give people a chance

Dear Editor, No one starts doing any thing, when they are perfect in it. But it is due to a fact that they were once given a chance, to offer a service, learn from the mistakes.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dear Editor,

No one starts doing any thing, when they are perfect in it. But it is due to a fact that they were once given a chance, to offer a service, learn from the mistakes.

And that is why they have emerged to excel in their respective fields. It takes a wise man to trust, and give another man a chance to do anything, any where.

This motivates the person to work hard and prove his worth. It has happened on several occasions, more especially if given a considerable level of independence.

Independence in this aspect, harnesses creativity, self evaluation, capacity building and flourishing in solution finding. This is how great practioners of diverse fields have been mentored and cultivated.
