Environmental protection is everyone’s concern

ON Tuesday June 5, Rwanda will join the rest of the world to observe the World Environment Day under the theme: “Green Economy: Does it include you?”

Monday, June 04, 2012

ON Tuesday June 5, Rwanda will join the rest of the world to observe the World Environment Day under the theme: "Green Economy: Does it include you?”The Day in Rwanda was preceded by the National Environment Week, dedicated to raising awareness about environmental sustainability.The week-long activities highlight the dangers associated with environmental degradation such as pollution. They also call for adopting practices that protect the environment such as proper waste management and a general appeal for a greener world. Aware of the negative impact of environment degradation, policy-makers in Rwanda have put in place laws to protect the environment as well as ensure enforcement of these laws by the relevant institutions.Recently, Rwandans in various parts of the country were adversely affected by floods that could have rather been avoided if the environment surrounding their homes were protected. The tendency to fell trees should be fought vigorously and the campaign to plant more intensified. Environmental protection requires the need for change in attitudes of the citizenry, manufacturers and policy-makers combined. Local leaders and schools too should put in effort and mainstream environmental protection into their action plans.