Rwandans must reject UN lies

Editor, I would like to respond to the opinion piece by Pan Butamire, which was published in your paper last Friday, titled “False accusations: the price Rwanda has to pay for taking a stand.”

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Editor,I would like to respond to the opinion piece by Pan Butamire, which was published in your paper last Friday, titled "False accusations: the price Rwanda has to pay for taking a stand.” Firstly I would like to say Bravo Pan! The U.N. needs to be confronted on its total lack of efficiency and its continued efforts to make Rwanda the scapegoat for the unrest in DRC’s Kivus!This organisation continues to prove that it wastes billions of dollars annually. They have been basically useless in the Congo and have yet to do anything to help the poor souls in Syria! Stand your ground Rwanda and don’t allow the U.N. to defame your beautiful country and its citizens!Marie CollinsCanada