ICC is a western tool

Editor, After reading your article in The New Times of Friday, under the title, “ICC rejects arrest warrant for FDLR’s Mudacumura”, it made me believe that indeed, the ICC is a court meant to serve the selfish interests western powers.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Editor,After reading your article in The New Times of Friday, under the title, "ICC rejects arrest warrant for FDLR’s Mudacumura”, it made me believe that indeed, the ICC is a court meant to serve the selfish interests western powers. Imagine giving 50 yrs of sentence to former Liberia president Charles Taylor for abetting and aiding a foreign war that was perpetrated by foreign rebel and now, and yet drop charges against a man (Syvestre mudacumura) who personally commands a terrorist group whose heinous and devilish actions have terrorized the whole region. This is shockingly unbelievable and unacceptable!Seth