US Embassy joins English training drive

THE U.S Embassy in Kigali yesterday unveiled a two-year English training programme in four schools in Kigali.

Sunday, June 03, 2012
US Ambassador, Donald Koran, awards a certificate to one of the Students. The Sunday Times/John Mbanda.

THE U.S Embassy in Kigali yesterday unveiled a two-year English training programme in four schools in Kigali.The launch of the training known as English Access Micro Scholarship Program took place at Lycee de Kigali School and was presided over by the U.S Ambassador to Rwanda, Donald Koran.In an interview with The Sunday Times yesterday, Susan Falatko, the Public Affairs Officer at the Embassy, said the programme will cater for students from four schools of Groupe Rcolaire Rugunga, Lycee Notre Dame de Citeaux, Groupe Scolaire Kacyiru 11 and Lycee de Kigali.According to Falatko, the lessons will be held at Lycee de Kigali every Saturday from 8:00 am up to midday. "Rwanda switched to the use of English as a language of instruction in schools and the main aim of this training is to help students to extensively learn more English skills which will help them to revise their notes and easily answer questions during their examinations” Falatko said. She noted that apart from training the beneficiaries in various English skills, during the two year course, they will also organize field trips where the students will visit the embassy’s library where they will be taught several communication skills.The official noted that the participants will also train in various leadership skills saying it would help them become better leaders of tomorrowThe Headmaster of Lycee de Kigali, Martin Masabo, said: "Rwanda became a member of East African Community (EAC) and the Commonwealth, and I believe this training will help the beneficiaries learn more English skills and know how best they can compete in the labour market in the country and beyond after completing their university studies.”"The training will help us become broad minded in several communication skills as far as English language is concerned. I believe that this will equip us with more skills on how to interact with people in the region and internationally,” Patrick Uwayisenga, a student from Groupe scolaire Kacyiru said