Dear readers,

In our Sunday Magazine today, we travel with you through the life of an up coming local musician David Nyasha. He is young, talented and willing to learn.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

In our Sunday Magazine today, we travel with you through the life of an up coming local musician David Nyasha. He is young, talented and willing to learn.

What more can one want in a musician who is ready to embrace new things and despite his obvious talent, remains humble and down to earth!  Meet David and you will come to understand what it requires to rise to the top in the music industry.He has it all and with the passion he displays, the sky is the limit for him.

As usual, we have a lot of good reads for your reading at leisure this weekend. There is good stuff to read from the hater, Diaspoman, the villager and Ingina y’Igihanga.

The hater, this Sunday, takes his hatred to those sadists who deliver sad news with a smile plastered on their faces. He also does not spare those service providers or front desk officers who are in the habit of arguing with customers when the former are clearly in the wrong.

Diaspoman is still at it, narrating his usual rib cracking escapades. Still, he narrates his relationship debacles telling how a girl he thought was the ‘one’, ended up being a disaster-so to say. Read on and enjoy your week end with Sunday Mag.