ICC has confirmed my long-held suspicions

Editor, I wish to respond to the article titled “ICC rejects arrest warrant for FDLR’s Mudacumura”, which was published in yesterday’s issue of The New Times.

Friday, June 01, 2012
ICC judges during a past function. The New Times / File.

Editor,I wish to respond to the article titled "ICC rejects arrest warrant for FDLR’s Mudacumura”, which was published in yesterday’s issue of The New Times.

The development is proof to what I have come to believe and that is that the ICC has always demonstrated that it is a western court, a court that has proven itself unreliable when it comes to carrying out its duties to the African continent when it is most needed.It is unfortunate that such a case as Mudacumura’s is taken lightly and dismissed on the basis that the application "fell short of the proper level of specificity” and the lack of specificity in describing the crimes "for which the person’s arrest is sought.”  It is indeed a big joke as Rwanda’s Prosecutor General, Martin Ngoga, was quoted as saying in the article.So what we are seeing is the true face of the ICC, which is looking more and more like a court more concerned with personal interest then interest in justice.

It seems to me that where the west feel that their interests are being threatened by Africans or Arabs they do get involved and fast but where their interests are not being threatened then they are not concerned, they will turn a blind eye.