De-clutter your living room not to overshadow your décors

THE living room is the most important area in any home. This is the place considered as the gathering area for family and friends. We use our living rooms for reading, relaxing, for entertainment, for conversations and other functions.

Friday, June 01, 2012

THE living room is the most important area in any home. This is the place considered as the gathering area for family and friends. We use our living rooms for reading, relaxing, for entertainment, for conversations and other functions. This is one place where families find comfort in each other as they spend quality time together. Hence, it is very important for a living room to be comfortable and organized. People have become so busy, and it is only fair if we live in a de-cluttered home for that peace of mind.Arranging furniture Most often, a living room has a focal point like the television area. You can arrange your furniture around your focal point. While doing this, it is important to allow some open space for easy access and walking in the living room. ElectronicsMost homes today have TV’ and home theatres, so make sure your CDs, DVDs, video games and others are well-kept. If you have so many of this stuff, opt for a larger space for it. You can have a separate shelf or cabinet to place all your entertainment items. This way, you can do away with having piles of them in the living room as is the norm in most homes.StorageIt is always advised to have enough storage spaces. Create smart storage areas in the living room that will make your room look neat and organized. Be creative and improvise on the little space that you have, so that it can add beauty to the area.Cables Many a times, cables behind their entertainment center make the living room look very untidy. It’s always good to untangle any cables that have crossed each other and put them away from anybody’s sight, these can also be dangerous to people with small children. It’s in bad taste to leave tangled cables everywhere.Separate play area for childrenNo toys should be seen in the living room- period. When children are encouraged to play in the living room area, they turn it into a playground and they get out of control and make the living room dirty. Then parents find it hard to control them, when there are visitors. If there is enough space in the home, just separate the play area. Children should be taught about boundaries very early in life, otherwise they grow up not respecting instructions.The function of the coffee tableCoffee tables are pieces of furniture that if not used right make the living room look like a market place. A coffee table certainly adds beauty to your living room; but should be kept tidy at all times.Photos display Some living rooms resemble museums in the name of photos. It is okay to have photo frames but it might cause some clutter in the living room when they are too many and not well placed. Choose photos that you want to place in a frame. The rest should go to your photo album and keep them together, not all over the place.House plantsIf you want to have plants in your home, they will look better placed in decorative pots. If you place them anywhere, you risk making your living room resemble a mini jungle! Get simple plants that stand out and the design that suits your style.Every woman takes pride in her house; part of what makes a home is how organized it looks. Having an organized living room is not really hard. De-cluttering is one ways of keeping your home clean and organized so that whatever décor is in place is not overshadowed.