Independence anniversary should be a moment of reflection

Editor, After reading an interesting article by Joseph Rwagatare, titled ‘Rwanda’s independence golden jubilee – what’s that?’ (The New Times, May 29), I felt compelled to add my voice as well.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Editor,After reading an interesting article by Joseph Rwagatare, titled ‘Rwanda’s independence golden jubilee – what’s that?’ (The New Times, May 29), I felt compelled to add my voice as well.I wish to add that the 50th anniversary should also provide us a chance to reflect on the great steps that were and those that need to be taken over the last and the next 25 years in Rwanda’s growth to our liberation and freedom.I would like also to emphasize the importance of remembering not only what has been done to erase the bad memories of the 32 "Post-Independence” years but also the lot that remains to be done in the future, with special regard to steering away from the after effects of those years.Proudly Rwandan