It’s unfortunate UN is clearly susceptible to manipulation

Editor,  Your article, ‘Gov’t slams UN report on DRC’, published on Tuesday, was a real eye opener for me.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Editor, Your article, ‘Gov’t slams UN report on DRC’, published on Tuesday, was a real eye opener for me. Until then, I didn’t really understand how susceptible the UN was to manipulation and cheap propaganda! Now I know someone can easily use this so-called UN system to reach their evil intentions.It’s criminal for the UN to stoop too low to the extent of serving as a conduit of all sorts of nasty allegations against a sovereign member state, and I think there should be a mechanism for accountability in such cases.As I read the article, I recalled brave words by President Paul Kagame, when he was addressing the nation during the 18th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, at Amahoro stadium, in April. He told mourners and Rwandans in general that Rwanda and its people will continue to steam ahead, and that nobody would stop them "no matter who they are and who back them.”Now this is the moment to live true to that belief. Rwandans must not allow to be dragged in the mad by individuals and groups who have lost all the credibility and have no values to protect.Secondly, it is obvious that westerners will always work hard to bring down African leaders and people who are committed to developing their countries and to be self-reliant. They may not directly shell you but will use all possible clandestine means to derail you and to undermine your aspirations.Yet westerners themselves don’t like people who attack them; when that happens those responsible are either extradited or expelled from their countries, even if one is telling the truth. I say this out of my experience. I have seen it with my own eyes.Mumerika