If I’m in line, I’m there for a reason

I have noticed that there are people who think others are statues or maybe just posing in queues or maybe don’t have issues as important as theirs. I don’t know exactly which one it is but I will get to the bottom of it if it’s the last thing I do.

Thursday, May 31, 2012
Rachel Garuka

I have noticed that there are people who think others are statues or maybe just posing in queues or maybe don’t have issues as important as theirs. I don’t know exactly which one it is but I will get to the bottom of it if it’s the last thing I do. I was at the bank the other day, joining a line outside the manager’s office that already looked like it went all the way to Katuna, when two men walked in and made their way inside without a care in the world. I glanced at the security guard hoping he would see the frustration in my eyes and tell the men to join the queue but he wasn’t moved.I hoped the people before me would protest but to add salt to the wound, they didn’t seem to be bothered too much about it either. I got the feeling those were the ones who truly go to the bank to chill. After a painful fifteen or so people, I was finally next. But my happiness was soon diluted by a man who claimed he never waits in line at the bank. The guard as always, told him to go right in and I was left standing there with a look that not many people would want to see. Sensing an outburst, the jiffy the ‘man who doesn’t wait in line’ came out, the guard ushered me in. I have a question. What is the criterion for being served first even after you have found others waiting? Because this is not the first time it has happened. First come first serve no longer applies and it is now officially survival of the fittest! If you can not fight for your rightful place, you might as well come along with a pillow and bed sheet for you will be there a while.Once, a lady told me that she had a visitor coming over and therefore she needed to go in first. Of all the excuses she could come up with that was the best. She was safer telling me there was a patient waiting in King Faisal that she had to hurry back to. I (in the politest way I could gather) told her the guest was going to have to wait.The look she gave me suggested I was monstrous but every time I thought about how close I was to leaving the place, I moved nearer to the entrance lest she sneaked right in past me. Even when facing the office, I could feel her eyes pierce my back!Listen up people, no one goes to the bank to just chill – well, maybe some people do but I don’t. If I’m standing in line, I’m there for a reason and trust me; it is not to watch you cheat your way out of queuing like the rest of us. Go figure!