MONUSCO should stick to its mandate

The UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) produced a report leaked to the media alleging that Rwanda is supporting rebels who have destabilised the situation in the eastern part of the DRC.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) produced a report leaked to the media alleging that Rwanda is supporting rebels who have destabilised the situation in the eastern part of the DRC.The report does not only bring to light the weaknesses within MONUSCO, but risks further destabilising the already fragile situation in the DRC.The Governments of Rwanda and DRC have closely worked together to restore peace with armies from both countries carrying out joint operations to root out insurgents that have continuously wrecked havoc in eastern DRC and the borders western Rwanda.Such efforts have restored peace and since 2009 the situation has been stable. And, with the breakout of the recent conflict, army and security chiefs from both countries have met regularly to come up with a solution.The UN report not only frustrates such efforts but it draws attention away from the real issues. MONUSCO should concentrate its peacekeeping mission as that is the raison d’etre of its existence.The conflict in the DRC is a matter of the DRC government and while regional countries may be affected, as has been witnessed with the recent influx of refugees flowing into Rwanda, a lasting solution would rather be sought without outrageous allegations from MONUSCO.