Ruhango to benefit from new hospital

Residents of Ruhango District can now easily access quality healthcare services, following yesterday’s launch of a new hospital in the area.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Residents of Ruhango District can now easily access quality healthcare services, following yesterday’s launch of a new hospital in the area.The 300-bed healthcare facility, which was funded by the Ministry of Health, lies on a three-hectare parcel of land. It is expected to serve an estimated 286,000 residents from Kinazi, Ntongwe and  Mbuye sectors in Ruhango District, Southern Province. The Minister of Health, Agnes Binagwaho, observed that the hospital’s launch is in fulfilment of a pledge made by President Paul Kagame to residents."The opening of this hospital should be seen in the context of Government’s commitment to extend healthcare services closer to the population,” commented the minister.According to Annonciata Kambayire, the District Executive Officer of Ruhango District, residents no longer have to walk long distances in search of healthcare services, as had earlier been the case."Health services have been brought closer to our community now that we have a big hospital within our vicinity. Previously, people would walk long distances to Kabgwayi or Gitwe hospitals,” she said. "This is going to improve healthcare in Ruhango and is an answer to the health needs of residents”.The new health facility is part of the government’s vision to better serve the population and attain the Vision 2020 and the Millennium Development Goals, according to Arthur Asiimwe, Head of Division, RBC/Rwanda Health Communication Centre.The district, so far, has seven health centres and is also served by Gitwe hospital covering six health centres.The hospital is currently served by 7 doctors, 19 nurses and 11 midwives and other support staff.The Ministry of Health has pledged to gradually build the capacity of the hospital by hiring more staff and procuring of more equipment to offer quality healthcare services.