Why you suffer from those devastating migraines?

Migraines are chronic headaches which can last for hours or even go on for days. The exact cause of this headache is not known, but researchers take biological and environment factors as the main factors that trigger this headache.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Migraines are chronic headaches which can last for hours or even go on for days. The exact cause of this headache is not known, but researchers take biological and environment factors as the main factors that trigger this headache.According to headache. org doctors, women mainly suffer from these migraines as compared to men. They say that for every one man with a migraine, three women have it, which in severe case can prevent the woman from doing her daily tasks both at home and at work, and also make the woman feel so isolated from her dally duties and activities.There are several causes of these migraines in women, and understanding the causes can help one cope better with them.Most women during pregnancy suffer from these headaches due to bad eating, not getting enough sleep among other factors. However, researchers from headache.org, say that these headaches have no harm to the unborn baby. They normally occur during the first trimester of the pregnancy. Some sufferers of these headaches are relieved of them during pregnancy due to an increase in estrogen levels.Pregnant women are recommended to always visit their doctors, talk about non drug treatments and medicine deemed safe during pregnancy. They are also recommended to get regular sleep, use some icepacks, go for massage, and also try using some relaxation techniques. In case of vomiting, dehydration and nausea, visit a doctor.Other women suffer from migrains when in their menstrual cycle. This is mainly because of a drop in the estrogen levels which are the main contributors to the headaches. migrains also are associated with the premenstrual symptoms such as fatigue, feeling of anxiety among others. Doctors say that about 40 women suffer from migrains during their menstrual cycle. To minimise this headache, doctors advice sufferers to get specific treatments like, non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, and hormonal manipulations.Women also suffer from migrains  if they are stressed. Doctors recommend women to avoid stressful situations whenever possible, and also do some relaxation techniques, and muscle relaxations. Again finding out the type of stress that gives you the migraine can help one avoid these same stresses in the future.There is no cure for these headaches, but doctors recommend medication to reduce how often they occur.