5 Ways to keep him interested in you

Think like a guy. Enter his world and see what it’s like to be obsessed with sports, cars and beer. Attend sporting events regularly with your man. Read up on his favorite sports, players, etc so that you can comment just like his male friends do when Shaq misses a shot or Drogba misses a penalty.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Think like a guy. Enter his world and see what it’s like to be obsessed with sports, cars and beer. Attend sporting events regularly with your man. Read up on his favorite sports, players, etc so that you can comment just like his male friends do when Shaq misses a shot or Drogba misses a penalty.Become a tramp. Okay, not literally, but do it in the bedroom for your man. He’ll love it when you show up for a night of passion in a sexy outfit or costume that tantalizes him.Chill out. Guys speak a different language. What they consider bad, we may consider atrocious. What they consider a white lie, we consider the end of the world. When your guy upsets you, don’t lash out. Instead, calmly and rationally explain to him how you’re feeling. Make it a discussion, not a confrontation or argument. Pet him. That’s right; treat your man like your pet once in a while by rewarding him for good behavior.Laugh at his jokes. Some guys tell the lamest jokes that are so not funny! But if your man is telling the exact same joke, laugh till tears came out of your eyes. For some unknown reason, guys like to know they have the ability to make a woman laugh.                                                                                                                           www.divinecaroline.com