Your best interest at heart

Parents are one of the most important people in the world. The simple fact that they are responsible for bringing you into this world demands that they are respected. Parents always have the best interests of their children at heart. Why else would they, on top of buying you that ridiculous dress, try to make you wear it? Why else would your father walk into a night club in the middle of the night and stop the music while looking for you? And why else would your mom, in front of all your friends, try to hold your hand while you were crossing the road?Teenagers sometimes feel that their parents are very controlling. Most times, they actually are. Let’s say your parents are going away for the weekend for some boring conference you do not really care about. All you care about is the fact that they will be away for a whole weekend. The mere thought of it makes you want to scream out in joy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Teens, think twice . Net

Parents are one of the most important people in the world. The simple fact that they are responsible for bringing you into this world demands that they are respected. Parents always have the best interests of their children at heart.

Why else would they, on top of buying you that ridiculous dress, try to make you wear it? Why else would your father walk into a night club in the middle of the night and stop the music while looking for you? And why else would your mom, in front of all your friends, try to hold your hand while you were crossing the road?Teenagers sometimes feel that their parents are very controlling. Most times, they actually are. Let’s say your parents are going away for the weekend for some boring conference you do not really care about. All you care about is the fact that they will be away for a whole weekend. The mere thought of it makes you want to scream out in joy. You are already planning that party you’ve been promising your friends for quite a while now. The elation is epic. This elation only lasts until your parents tell you they are dropping you off at your very strict aunt’s place. The thoughts that go through your head at this point cannot be printed in a family publication.However crazy, paranoid and controlling your parents may seem, you always have a way of realising they are not the worst. This is usually the case with girls. I’m sure you all know that really cute girl who goes to your school. Outside school, you only see her at church, always next to her parents, greeting and smiling at all the old people, but religiously avoiding your gaze because you are ”trouble”. Or that guy who can’t play football past 5:45 p.m because the last time he went home after 6:00p.m, he reported to school with bruises the next day.On the other hand, there’s always a reason for your parents’strict behavior. They are making you wear that dress because nobody respects a girl in a micro-miniskirt. Your dad walks into that club because he has friends who do strange things to young girls at that club. Your mom holds your hand because no mother wants to bury her child after a car accident. So, next time you feel like slamming your bedroom door after a parental decision, please think twice.