Construction of Rwf6b teachers’ houses begins

TEACHERS under the 12-Year Basic Education (12-YBE) programme have welcomed the initiative to construct houses for them.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

TEACHERS under the 12-Year Basic Education (12-YBE) programme have welcomed the initiative to construct houses for them.More than 400 houses will be constructed in various schools across the country, to cover all schools under the 12YBE programme.Each house is estimated will cost Rwf40m; however with participation of local communities, the cost will drop to Rwf 15m, which will be footed by government.The progammme, which was launched in Gatsibo District this past weekend, is estimated to cost Rwf 6.24 billion. Speaking to The New Times, the headmaster of Groupe Scolaire Rutunga in Gasabo District, Jean Baptiste Habanabashaka, said the initiative will help schools retain qualified teachers, as a majority prefer working in schools where they can be accommodated. "This programme is very important especially for 12- YBE schools which are mainly in remote areas. Lack of teachers’ quarters has been a problem and I believe it will improve the quality of education we offer,” he said.Speaking to The New Times on Monday, Dr. John Rutayisire, the Director General of Rwanda Education Board (REB) said the construction was launched after various consultations with Ministry of Education and other education partners."The construction of houses for teachers is aimed at improving the supervision of students by the teachers,” he said.According to Rutayisire, the houses will also cater for foreign teachers who will be recruited from the neighbouring countries, adding that in the future, every secondary school will be obliged to have the same set up.