Over 200 hospitalised after food poisoning

NYAMAGABE – At least 205 members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Gasaka Sector, Nyamagabe District are receiving treatment at various health centres in Kigeme after consuming contaminated food last Saturday.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Some of the affected, including children, lay on mattresses spread on the floor at Kigeme health centre. The New Times/JP Bucyensenge.

NYAMAGABE – At least 205 members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Gasaka Sector, Nyamagabe District are receiving treatment at various health centres in Kigeme after consuming contaminated food last Saturday.According to eyewitnesses, about 300 people attended a reception hosted at Kirehe Adventist Church following ten days of prayer in preparation for Pentecostal festivities.The first victims were admitted to Kigeme Hospital and by press time, there were fears that the number might rise. When The New Times visited the area on Monday, 55 victims were admitted at Kigeme Hospital while another 17 were at Kigeme Health Centre. The rest were receiving treatment from their homes.At Kigeme Hospital, the admission wing was overwhelmed by patients and medics sought assistance from other local health facilities, including Butare University Teaching Hospital (CHUB).At Kigeme Health Centre, each bed was shared by two patients while some slept on mattresses spread out on the floor. "Everyone who ate the food fell sick. Even those who have not been admitted complained of a certain malaise,” said Bonny Mbyayingabo, one of the victims as he lay on his hospital bed.Among those admitted are 17 students from Groupe Scolaire Kigeme, who had also attended the event. Reports indicate most of those affected complained of severe headaches, stomach pain, loose bowel movements compounded by dizziness and vomiting as well as other symptoms of food poisoning."I am feeling a lot of pain that I cannot sleep. I am compelled to turn over and over to alleviate the pain,” Joseph Munyampundu Byiringiro, another victim, said.However, medics at Kigeme Hospital suspected the cause of the illness to be consumption of a contaminated meal, maintaining that it was prepared one day before."Information we gathered indicates that part of the meal they ate included peanut sauce, which is vulnerable to microbial infection. Based on preliminary results of our own tests, we suspect that to be the cause, but we are still awaiting test results to determine the actual cause,” Fidèle Nsanzumuganwa, the deputy head of nursing at the hospital told The New Times.According to Nsanzumuganwa, the patients’ conditions are improving with hope that some would be discharged soon.By press time, the University Teaching Hospital of Butare (CHUB) was yet to identify the possible cause of illness.In December 2011, 192 people were admitted at Gakoma Hospital after drinking contaminated sorghum beer at a wedding party in Mamba Sector, Gisagara District.