Dare to be you

I live according to the principal that as much as possible in my lifetime, when I finally have the opportunity to fully manage and take care of myself, I want to do whatever it takes to livelife not merely based on the way my parents wanted me to, nor like my friends influenced me to live, nor what my world dictated but rather, as I have dreamed, hoped, struggled, sacrificed and strived for. I want continue adventuring, working, serving and taking the necessary risks that will make me a better person. I want to touch lives and make a difference everywhere I go.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Natasha N. Muhoza

I live according to the principal that as much as possible in my lifetime, when I finally have the opportunity to fully manage and take care of myself, I want to do whatever it takes to livelife not merely based on the way my parents wanted me to, nor like my friends influenced me to live, nor what my world dictated but rather, as I have dreamed, hoped, struggled, sacrificed and strived for. I want continue adventuring, working, serving and taking the necessary risks that will make me a better person. I want to touch lives and make a difference everywhere I go. By understanding the question, ’Who am I?’ you change the world around you.I realise that one key to truly being content as you go to sleep is knowing that your heart is placed on what you actually woke up to do. I also realised that the most successful (and successful doesn’t necessarily mean rich) people I know all have something in common apart from success. They fully identify what they do with who they are i.e. their own personal ideas,interests,experiences, aspirations and even emotions contribute towards attaining their goals.I believe in the saying "If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”This is mostly associated with matters of faith but it applies in our practical lives. When we understand what our personal pursuits are, we use our unique abilities to achieve them. I’m not trying to play down the essentiality of guidance frompeople who know you, mentor you and influence you at friendly, elderly or authoritative levels. Their presence does play a major role in refining and nurturing the distinct individual in us. However, we need to or ought to,learn to look at the bigger pictureand begin picking out the odds of limitation,one by one,placing them aside (and I mean literally turning your attention completely away from them), and while holding on to whatever keeps us self-disciplined and motivatedto make a choice. A sole heartfelt, refined, original choice! If weallowedto direct our energies towards standing out in our creativity, in our work, in our social networks and in our mind, regardless of whether we win or lose a certain challenge, you and I would probably be surer of becoming a better person each day.Dare to be you*