Stand out and be yourself

Those who stand out can plainly be described as different. Do not get it twisted; I’m not talking about attention seekers who TRY so hard to be different, not at all. I’m talking about those people who actually stand out, even while trying to fit in. I’m talking about those girls who just don’t do dresses, however formal the occasion.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Be different and be proud of who you are. Net photo.

Those who stand out can plainly be described as different. Do not get it twisted; I’m not talking about attention seekers who TRY so hard to be different, not at all. I’m talking about those people who actually stand out, even while trying to fit in. I’m talking about those girls who just don’t do dresses, however formal the occasion.

I’m talking about those people who nobody ever talks to because their intellect intimidates those around them. I am talking about the outcasts, the outsiders, the misfits. Some of you could be reading this right now. The girl next to you with the nose pin and black nail polish to match,or even the boy next to her in the tie & dye shirt and the 1980 sandals. There are also girls who prefer football to facials, basketball to bras or marvel comics to manicures. A message to them is do not fight the fact that you are different, instead own up to it. If people around you give you a nickname, make it your Facebook name. If they do not agree to your fashion sense because apparently you do not conform to the latest trend, to hell and back with them. No one ever gained true happiness by going with the crowd. Not everyone has to understand a plan for it to work so, just because they do not get you does not mean you are wrong, and it most certainly does not mean you should try to be like them.Why should you be the one to change? Should anyone call you weird, assure them of how unique you are. Do not hate them because they hate you, that is wrong because hating only reduces you to their level hence you become one of them. Instead, soar above them. If they call you a dinosaur, get a Mohawk. If you are referred to as a fish then take swimming lessons. Any badge they slap on you, wear it with that beautiful smile of yours. As the French say, "les chiens aboient, le caravan passé”.