
He was called a failure by many. Verily what other title suits a person that contest for the senate seat 8 times and failed 8 times, goes for congress 7 times and fails 7 times, tried business and was nearly declared bankrupt, ran for vice president 2 times and failed 2 times, but stood for president of United States of America and won.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

He was called a failure by many. Verily what other title suits a person that contest for the senate seat 8 times and failed 8 times, goes for congress 7 times and fails 7 times, tried business and was nearly declared bankrupt, ran for vice president 2 times and failed 2 times, but stood for president of United States of America and won.It’s called persistence and this man is none other than ABRAHAM LINCOLN. His experience is enough motivation for you to pursue only what you are passionate about because only this makes life worthwhile. When you bite off more than you can chew, you had better chew it.