Are you the famous one?

In high school most teens want to be among the cool and famous ones. This is because they crave respect. They believe that by showing others how much money they have, talking about the popular movies they’ve watched and all the MTV music videos they can dance to, they will be marked as important.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Being cool and famous should not be associated with academic failure. Net photo.

In high school most teens want to be among the cool and famous ones. This is because they crave respect. They believe that by showing others how much money they have, talking about the popular movies they’ve watched and all the MTV music videos they can dance to, they will be marked as important.Well, I’m not saying all this is bad but is it necessary to push all that swag just to be cool? When a fairly normal student admires the cooler kids and their lifestyle, they begin to think they are lousy and sacrifice a lot of good values just to be like them. Of course their first thought will be to go home during holidays and watch as much TV as they can, look for new movies, and do their best to be on the internet. And before they realise it the holiday is gone.When they getback to school, they go against all odds to prove that they have been so cool during the holidays and know a lot. They have to talk about all they have read about and watched and researched about to prove to the cool kids so that they are accepted in their circles. They are under pressure to look for nice clothes even though their parents can’t afford luxury and so they begin to borrow money from other students to keep up appearances while chilling at the school canteen. Before they realise it, Beginning of Term exams have clocked in.Since cool kids don’t roll well with teachers, a newcomer in the ‘cool kids’ realm doesn’t want to be seen as a "snitch”. This means they join the ‘teacher-haters’ hence the end of the student-teacher partnership  they once respected. Because they have no business asking for assistance on subjects they didn’t understand during a lesson, their grades begin to dwindle.Cool kids always have a lot of money and maybe your parents are not that rich but you are not going to let this pull you down from your rise to fame. So you decide to borrow money and since you roll with rich kids, you won’t find it hard to get someone to lend you a dime. So you now have several debts that you can’t pay back. Cool boys date the cool girls in school and so you have to get a cool girlfriend as well, spend a lot of time with her and do a lot of what you watched on TV. And your life is surly heading down the drain, you didn’t read or coach during the holiday, you wasted the beginning of the term earning your place among the famous kids, your grades plummeted, you have made the top-money borrowers list, and you spend a lot of unproductive school time with your cool girl.Whatever brilliance you were once known for, is history. You don’t care anymore until you flunk your finals and are left behind. One thing teens have to understand is that it is okay to be cool as long as you carry high grades at school at the end of the term—this makes you cooler because fame is never associated with failure.famous one?