Why should weddings be such a burden?

I wish to respond to an article, titled, “Easiest ways to cut down on spending,” that appeared in The New Times’ Business Magazine yesterday. In Kigali people are facing a huge problem of contributions for weddings.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I wish to respond to an article, titled, "Easiest ways to cut down on spending,” that appeared in The New Times’ Business Magazine yesterday. In Kigali people are facing a huge problem of contributions for weddings.

Even if you cut personal expenses still you piggy-back for others. In fact, wedding contributions take a chunk of expenses for most people – just imagine getting six to eight invitation cards and you are expected to contribute towards each of them! I think we need to find a way of integrating savings lessons in the curricula for tertiary level/institutions of higher learning and high schools, which should include tips about how to plan affordable weddings.Mtafiti