MONUSCO looking for a scapegoat!

I recently read an article in this paper about Congolese citizens who pelted MONUSCO peacekeepers with stones because of their frustration as a result of this UN force’s failure to protect them.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
MONUSCO peacekeers on past patrol. Net photo.

I recently read an article in this paper about Congolese citizens who pelted MONUSCO peacekeepers with stones because of their frustration as a result of this UN force’s failure to protect them.This is enough embarrassment to the UN for which they did not have immediate solution. In order to divert the attention of the world from this mediocrity, they came up with this nonsensical report wrongly accusing Rwanda of supporting the rebellion in DRC so that people can now put all the blame on Rwanda.This is the same frustration our people in 1994 encountered when thousands of helpless Tutsis were left to the mercy of their killers while the UNAMIR boarded their planes back home. This is how over a million Tutsis died amidst UN deployment in Kigali.I urge the African Union to pick courage and be able to solve problems of Africa. At least in Somalia, due to presence of African peacekeepers, we are seeing a drastic improvement in security with al Shabaab operations in Mogadishu diminishing by the day, and the militant group losing influence in other parts of the day.The same thing should be with DRC. Regional armies should be allowed in to root out all the negative forces, and return peace to the country’s east.Seth