ICTR should transfer suspects, not just cases

Editor, Last week, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) transferred to Rwanda another Genocide case file, but, once again, against a suspect who remains at large – former Nyakizu bourgmestre Ladislas Ntaganzwa.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Editor,Last week, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) transferred to Rwanda another Genocide case file, but, once again, against a suspect who remains at large – former Nyakizu bourgmestre Ladislas Ntaganzwa.So far, the only suspect the tribunal has transferred to Kigali is Jean Bosco Uwinkindi, all the others are just cases involving fugitives. Does the court also provide the resources to help track down and arrest these fugitives? Transferring the cases of fugitives is good, but the court should also transfer more suspects from its own custody.Abdul NiyibiziKampala