A cruel step mother

Long time ago, there was a girl whose mother had drowned in the well, and died as a result. The girl’s name was Nyamwiza.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Long time ago, there was a girl whose mother had drowned in the well, and died as a result. The girl’s name was Nyamwiza.

The father of that girl married another woman after the first one had died.

The man’s second wife produced three other girls who grew up to hate Nyamwiza, as she was their step sister. Nyamwiza was the only girl who would do all domestic work, in order to make her suffer.

Remember her three other sisters would be there just playing, but Nyamwiza would remain alone in torn clothes because the step mother would refuse her to have nice clothes like her own daughters did. Nyamwiza had no smearing jelly like her sisters in order to make appear ugly.

One day there was a wedding in a neighbor’s place, and Nyamwiza was given a warning not to attend the wedding since she had no clothes to put on.

When her step sisters had left for the wedding, an old woman appeared and found Nyamwiza angry. The old woman asked her "what is the problem my child,"? She asked.

Nyamwiza replied "others have gone for the wedding, but they refused me to attend the wedding because I don’t have any dress to wear, more to that, I am supposed to look after a house so that no thief may come and take some property", Nyamwiza told her.
