Urgent call for monitoring of gender policies

A new study conducted by the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), points out weaknesses in the dissemination and implementation of various international gender-related treaties that the country ratified.

Monday, May 28, 2012

A new study conducted by the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), points out weaknesses in the dissemination and implementation of various international gender-related treaties that the country ratified.The study shows that though a lot has been done to guarantee gender equality, implementation is wanting.Additionally, a new book titled "A woman’s Business: Gender equity in agricultural value chains” released last week, highlighted that women have limited access to resources, such as land, credit and other services in rural communities, literally condemning them to poverty.Against this backdrop, those concerned should not allow the country to descend into a situation where it appears insensitive to gender issues.The government has been keen on ensuring that the country’s development programmes remain gender sensitive by supporting women economic emancipation initiatives.Women are commanding the biggest presence in the parliament – the highest House representation in the world.It is imperative that all actors, especially local government structures, rigorously implement policies that will enable women get financing for business and training, giving them the capacity to not only equitably contribute to the nation’s development, but also improve their wellbeing as well as those of their families.These reports must inform the concerned authorities to monitor compliance with the instruments ratified by the government.Relevant organs must be set up to monitor progress made by public institutions and other sectors in compliance with constitutional and other statutory requirements on the implementation of gender principles.