About fathering children

15, May is International Day of Families, and the theme will be focusing on the father’s responsibilities and the challenges in families.

Monday, May 05, 2008

15, May is International Day of Families, and the theme will be focusing on the father’s responsibilities and the challenges in families.

Fathers do a great job of providing food, clothes, rent and school fees.

The role of bringing up and instilling discipline into children is mostly done by our mothers this is because fathers spend much more time at work than mothers do.

Unfortunately most fathers do, spend fewer hours with their children yet children would always love to get that love and care from them.

Children need enough time with both parents to grow into disciplined and responsible citizens.

Both parents need to understand what is taking place in the lives of their children. A child who is left to be raised by one parent or a maid will always miss the love and the affection of his parents.

As we celebrate the international day of families, fathers should find more time with their children.
