Where is daddy?

Mummy, I know we stay in this house with daddy but I rarely see him, where is he and what is making him that busy? Is it because he got a different distant job?

Monday, May 05, 2008

Mummy, I know we stay in this house with daddy but I rarely see him, where is he and what is making him that busy? Is it because he got a different distant job?

Every morning before he went to his job, he could come to my bedroom to check on me.

From work every evening, daddy used to come along with either my chocolate or ice cream and we watched the television together.

I used to enjoy daddy’s drive when ever he came to pick me from school at lunch time. Daddy cannot be compared to Jack (the driver), daddy’s drive was the best.

Mummy can you imagine how I miss daddy. If he comes back and I happen to see him, I will tell him to leave his job and go back to the former.

And if possible I will request him leave that work as early this week so that, he can drive me to and from school.

I will also tell him also to start buying me the chocolates and the ice creams the way he used to do when he was still working with the previous job.

Mummy please does not tell daddy what I have told you I need to see him by my self. It is even a long time. "I MISS HIM."
