Response to Kebongo’s article

Editor, I am writing in response to Sam Kebongo’s article titled, Why Are There No African Inventions?, published in The New Times of last Friday, May 25.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Editor,I am writing in response to Sam Kebongo’s article titled, Why Are There No African Inventions?, published in The New Times of last Friday, May 25.You might be familiar with the phrase: "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” Question: How many paths lead the world to the doors of Africans? Answer: Very, very few! Enough with the exaggerations and pseudo-science. Simply encourage Africans to study math and science. Get advanced degrees in engineering, math, and physics. The innovations will soon follow. is a joke, for the most part. It simply shows people’s dreams, not innovations. That’s not to say that these people don’t have potential, but without serious education they will never be successful.Jeff