Home-grown solutions key to DRC conflict

Editor, I wish to respond to Arthur Assimwe’s article, titled, ICC indictments cannot bring peace to Eastern DR Congo, published in The New Times of Thursday, last week.  How I wish the world read this article – I mean the big minds behind this eastern DRC saga.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Editor,I wish to respond to Arthur Assimwe’s article, titled, ICC indictments cannot bring peace to Eastern DR Congo, published in The New Times of Thursday, last week.  How I wish the world read this article – I mean the big minds behind this eastern DRC saga.It is important that they understand and uphold the central role of home grown solutions to our conflicts. For Rwanda, the warm reception given to the returning genocidaires is not meant to ignore justice; it’s rather finding middle ground for reconciliation. Tooth for tooth is not a solution in our context. The architecture of international justice has not responded to internationally grounded problems. Arthur’s call, in my view, underlines the importance of home grown initiatives to address Africa’s challenges.Denis