Owners of products should register their works with the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) to avoid replication and infringement of copyrights.
Owners of products should register their works with the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) to avoid replication and infringement of copyrights. The call was made Thursday by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Francois Kanimba, during an event to mark the World Intellectual Property Day."There is no way one will claim ownership of certain products without proof from RDB as this will not only help protect ownership rights, but also enable them to benefit from their works,” Kanimba said.Rwanda enacted the intellectual property law in 2009. The law protects artistes and author,s including innovators, creators of industrial designs, among others.Speaking to The Sunday Times, the president of INGOMA Music Association, which brings together 125 musicians, Jean Pierre Runyurana, called upon concerned parties to join hands in protecting their work."The law is in place, but if we do not make it relevant, it simply means that other people will benefit from our work,” he said. He pointed out that in addition to working together through their association, its members would enlist with an artistes’ umbrella body, Rwanda Society of Authors (RSA)."This body will mainstream our works and will be charged with protecting our interests as well as promoting our work”. Mengistie Getachew, an expert from African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO), warned that duplication of products does not only limit the rightful owners of products from fully benefiting, but also prevents them from becoming more innovative.