The Hater:I hate people who…

…still do not respect the elders in society.  Sometimes I wonder what kind of weed people are smoking. Did you hear about those part time thinkers who attacked the president of Mali and beat him up?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

…still do not respect the elders in society.  Sometimes I wonder what kind of weed people are smoking. Did you hear about those part time thinkers who attacked the president of Mali and beat him up? How on earth does someone get guts to beat up a president? What kind of parents gave birth to such useless brats? And where was the president’s security when all this nonsense was happening? All said I reserve my hatred for those people who thought it was a cool idea to thump a sitting president as if he were a chicken thief. Oh Mali.  …complain when someone is doing the right thing. Have you met any of those idlers who say dumb things like "Ruth tweets way too much?” Such people need a high five in the face. Why do idle people always choose to break out of their idleness by moving towards stupidity? You complain that someone tweets too much yet that is what Twitter was created for. And by the way if you have a problem with her tweets why don’t you just surprise me by being bright enough to unfollow her. Why do expect us to listen to you yet no one forced you to follow her or even to join twitter.          …are always trying to be loud in public. It is never enough telling these jokers to shut up. They just don’t get it.  Do you even realise that because you are not smart being loud does not earn you the right attention? You are talking to a person next to you but it is as if you are auditioning to become a born again preacher. If your friend can see you, then he/she can hear you so there is no need trying to sound like you are shouting for help or something. Again shut up so the rest of us can have some peace or else I will be forced to punch you in the neck and crack that voice box.  …cannot perform but stay in the way of those who can. These jokers tend to come in so many ways and this only multiplies my hatred for them. I am talking about those who cannot drive but will not give way for other motorists, old people who cannot perform but will not resign to allow those who can to take over. The worst are the jokers who cannot dance but will not leave the dance floor blocking the rest of us who have the moves. Yes, The Hater’s got the moves even better than Jagger. But yeah, if you can’t dance please restrict dancing to your living room. We go to the club to have fun not to watch you with your two left feet!…are not proud of how they look. And here I am not talking about shy people, no. I am just sick and tired of people who are obsessed with using pictures of celebrities as their profile pictures especially on Facebook. Be proud of yourself for once. Do you think Beyonce or Chris Brown will ever think of using your photo on his page? If you cannot love yourself enough who do you think will do it for you, The Hater? The most stupid thing that such people never realise is that we are not on the internet all the time. And so when we meet them on the streets or in a bus they have their real faces and not Rihanna’s. Be proud of your looks no one is going to do it for you after all. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293