Long term strategy key to sports dev’t

Not so long ago, Rwanda appeared to be  one of Africa’s emerging sporting nations in long distance running, volleyball, basketball and, to a  bigger extent football.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Not so long ago, Rwanda appeared to be  one of Africa’s emerging sporting nations in long distance running, volleyball, basketball and, to a  bigger extent football.However, because the foundations were not firm enough, progress has slowed and without a long term strategy, the situation may get worse.Luckily, the Paralympics body has flown the country’s flag high over the past few years, with an impressive run both at the regional and international scenes.The football fraternity’s long term planning has paid off as evidenced with the emergency of youth development programmes, which produced the successful U-17 and U-20 national teams. Investment in football academies is so far worthwhile.But more needs to get done if Rwanda is to become a force to reckon with.For the upcoming London Olympic Games, it is a shame that only two athletes have qualified. The national Olympic committee should and can do better to increase Rwanda’s participation next time round.The key to doing this is having a long term strategy in place and investment in nurturing talent at young stages.