Symposium discusses China-AU cooperation

The Chinese government is committed to working closely with African countries and regional organizations to advance cooperation in various areas including peace and security.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Chinese government is committed to working closely with African countries and regional organizations to advance cooperation in various areas including peace and security.Xie Xiaoyan, Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia, says China attaches great importance to its relations with the AU.  He was speaking at a day-long Symposium on Sino- African Union (AU) cooperation in peace and security in Africa, held on Wednesday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  "China firmly supports a greater AU role in addressing African peace and security issues, and China is always ready to give support to the fullest extent possible to AU’s efforts,” said the Ambassador. He noted that peace and security is one of the areas on which China and AU cooperate at a fast pace. The symposium which was jointly organized by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, attracted academics, researchers and representatives of different organizations. Researchers presented papers including topics among others on Sino-AU cooperation in peace and security, China-Africa cooperation/relations and early and current challenges, Sino- African cooperation from the perspective of cultural security, and role of AU and regional economic communities in China-Africa partnership. Professor Yang Lihua, a Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of West Asian and African Studies in Chinese Academy of Social Science, made the first presentation focusing on Africa’s peace and development under the current situation. The professor said her visits in the last three decades to Africa have been good experience to better understand Africa. Olusegun Akinsanya, Regional Director for ISS Addis Ababa, stated that China has been playing important role in Africa by engaging the continent in economic development, foreign direct investment (FDI) and infrastructure development among others. The new AU edifice donated by the Chinese government and which was launched in January during the AU Summit is one of the demonstrations that show China-Africa relations and partnership. Akinsanya, who was also chairing the Symposium, stated that including his country, Nigeria, China has been playing important role in many African countries.