500 local leaders undergo civic training

Burera–Over 500 local executive secretaries from the Southern Province on Wednesday concluded the civic training programme under the culture-based platform, Itorero ry’Igihugu, at the Rwanda Peace and Leadership Centre in Nkumba, Burera District.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Burera–Over 500 local executive secretaries from the Southern Province on Wednesday concluded the civic training programme under the culture-based platform, Itorero ry’Igihugu, at the Rwanda Peace and Leadership Centre in Nkumba, Burera District.The programme is organised by the Ministry of Local Government in partnership with National Unity and Reconciliation Commission through the national Itorero task force, and is being carried out in phases targeting the grassroots leaders in all provinces. The cell leaderswill promote good governance, social justice, and economic transformation as a way of expediting sustainable development from the grassroots level. It was song and dance as the chairman of the national task force, Boniface Rucugu, officially declared the programme closed. "Our forefathers were known for the culture of peace, patriotism, unity and hard work. This are the values we should impart on our children; we are setting a new chapter of a new Rwanda,” Rucagu observed.Speaking during the pass-out ceremony, the Minister of Internal Security, Sheik Musa Fazil Harerimana, urged the cell leaders be like the much heralded mustard seeds that bear good fruits by becoming agents of change to ensure the implementation of all government programmes."Failure to accomplish Imihigo is a result of poor planning; the zeal and commitment you have should drive us further. The Rwandan values should be upheld as guiding tools towards development, good service delivery, and to seek solutions for their own problems.”The group raised over Frw1.5million to purchase 283 iron sheets to help shelter people left homeless due the recent floods in Gakenke District"The struggle has just begun. We have signed our performance contracts to guarantee good service delivery by setting up nursery schools in all villages, fighting corruption and being exemplary to others,” one of the grassroots leaders, Epimaque Rwandenzi, declared.Meanwhile, after they were passed out, all cell leaders took the oath as court bailiffs in their respective jurisdictions.The group is followed by leaders from the Eastern Province whose programme started yesterday. Itorero ry’Igihugu brings together sections of different Rwandans to share lessons on how to solve their problems, promote national unity and execute government programmes at all levels.The home-grown initiative was established in 2007 as a forum to discuss national development issues.Also in attendance at the ceremony were Governors Aime Bosenibamwe and Alphonse Munyetwari of the Northern and Southern provinces, respectively, and district mayors from the Southern Province.