Stop supporting abortion crusaders

Editor, This is with reference to the article published in The New Times of May 24, under the title, “Penal Code is more than just the abortion clause.”

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Editor,This is with reference to the article published in The New Times of May 24, under the title, "Penal Code is more than just the abortion clause.” Thank you for educating us but you also cannot assert that it’s on record that 60,000 abortions are carried out in the country every year.That research by pro-abortion advocates was flawed in its methodology with intentions to mislead the public. It is a fact that the survey covered both induced abortion cases and normal miscarriages, and those behind it extrapolated numbers with no clear basis.So stop playing the devil’s advocate; abortion is abomination and no one has a right to take life of any human being. Not even Genocidaires get capital punishment; death penalty was abolished in Rwanda, who the hell are those legislators to condemn innocent, harmless human beings to death whatever the cause of their conception might be? Life starts at conception and no one has right to terminate it.Christian