School of Journalism: Setting the record straight

Editor, Allow us to correct the misleading information that appeared in a letter sent to you by Mr Fred Mutara of Kigali that was published in the Letters to the Editor page of The New Times on Monday, May 21, titled “School of journalism relocated but…”

Thursday, May 24, 2012
The National University of Rwanda main campus in Huye District. The New Times / File.

Editor,Allow us to correct the misleading information that appeared in a letter sent to you by Mr Fred Mutara of Kigali that was published in the Letters to the Editor page of The New Times on Monday, May 21, titled "School of journalism relocated but…”There were many errors in the letter and we would like to ensure dissemination of the real facts to the public. The School of Journalism and Communication is part of the Faculty of Arts, Media and Social Sciences at the National University of Rwanda (NUR). The School of Journalism and Communication was moved to the NUR Kigali Campus in July, 2011, after a request by the Government of Rwanda, in order to serve more practicing journalists in Rwanda to upgrade their skills and qualifications and to allow more people to be trained in recognized best practices in Journalism. The NUR Kigali Campus which houses the School of Journalism and Communication, the Great Lakes Media Centre and many NUR Masters Programmes, is located in the former Camp Kigali that is physically next to KIST, but is an NUR Campus. Mr Mutara was correctly advised by KIST to contact NUR regarding information about Journalism and Communications Programme. He is welcome to contact the NUR Registrar or the Administrative Office of the NUR Kigali Campus for enrollment information.  Donozius Byamukama Public Relations Office, NUR