The sour taste of long distance relationships

Contemporary society has become so competitive and also rather demanding that many homes need more than one bread winner.

Thursday, May 24, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

Contemporary society has become so competitive and also rather demanding that many homes need more than one bread winner.Pair this with the fact that women have become as hard working as men or even more hardworking and not "stay home mommas” like they used to be back in the day.Careers can be so deceiving but yet so satisfying, they will pull anyone to the end of this world provided the opportunity is magnificent.I do not know whether to call it greed or passion, but following your "dream” or rather following your greed for more money will still put you in this dilemma of leaving your spouse behind.This level of commitment is harder than we usually imagine, in the first months of being away it will be so easy for you to soldier on and believe that it is just you and your partner against the world.Now what are the chances that the spouse you are leaving behind shall remain true to you? Questions shall never cease to pop up. First of all there are those partners that still did their rounds of straying even before you left, the mere thought of these kinds of people, you will be out of the bubble without even thinking twice about it.These unfaithful partners are the ones responsible for the reasons things such as long distance relationships do not work.How on earth are you going to come back to a relationship after six months of being away, when the so called partner you are returning to was being dodgy even before you left?Anyway, there are those partners that cannot imagine their lives without this particular person. Speaking from woman’s point of view Communication is key in almost all long distance relationships.However, the quality of the communication matters. Honestly it is not about calling and spending one minute on the phone and you think you have done your part of communication.With long distance relationships both the involved couples have to be ready to increase their verbal Olympics.    Of course certain people like me will be very realistic and will want to speak to their partners on a daily basis but then it is important for the couple to lay down some communication rules. For instance, if you will communicate twice a week or once dayPeople in long distance relationships just need to up their game a little bit also, make use of video chats such Skype, so that your partners can not feel that lonely and at least have the feel that you are there and they can see you too.