The break up

It’s one of those almost unavoidable moments in life. Most times you see it coming; sometimes it sneaks up on you. Most times it hurts like hell, sometimes you don’t mind doing it. Sometimes it’s the right thing to do; most times it’s a catastrophic mistake. Almost all times, it sucks when it’s done to you

Thursday, May 24, 2012

It’s one of those almost unavoidable moments in life. Most times you see it coming; sometimes it sneaks up on you. Most times it hurts like hell, sometimes you don’t mind doing it. Sometimes it’s the right thing to do; most times it’s a catastrophic mistake. Almost all times, it sucks when it’s done to you. Breakups are either the easiest or the hardest part of a relationship. Like most things in life, it involves too many variables, the only constants being the fact that it’s the end of the relationship and the fact that it’s always difficult because –it’s a break up.On paper, if you’re breaking up with someone for the right reasons, it should be easy. When your boyfriend or girlfriend ignores you, lies to you, and cheats on you or whatever other reason they may have. Logically, it is already over, but you keep thinking there’s a reason you were together in the first place. That reason is what makes breaking up so hard. Ending a relationship is even harder when your reasons are hard to explain or just plain bogus. This mainly applies to those people who get put-off by the little things. One relationship actually ended because this guy hash-tagged and ex-girlfriend’s name on twitter. A more common idiotic reason is when a couple’s Facebook relationship statuses do not match. For example; if one Facebook relationship status reads ‘complicated’ and the others’ says, ‘engaged’. Explaining that to the person you are breaking up with is like rocket science. There are always those cliché breakup lines that almost everyone uses like "It’s not you, it’s me” or "You’re a wonderful person and you deserve better than me”. If you use either of these lines, there’s an 80 percent chance you are lying through your teeth, most likely to protect you from the actual reason (your complete disregard for personal hygiene, your terrible accent, your lopsided sense of humor, etc).The hardest part of a breakup is choosing how to do it. Face to face might be the hardest, but it is the most personal and shows a certain level of respect for the person. A phone call would suffice as well, seeing as it still preserves the personal touch. A handwritten letter is quaint but courteous. Any electronic device is just stupid. Texting someone, "It’s not you, it’s me” is just downright disrespectful, insulting even. However you choose to do it, whatever your reasons, partners involved are bound to get hurt one way or another. Keep in mind that it is not the end for either of you, after all, "every finish line is the beginning of a new race”.