Gender report reveals weaknesses

HUYE–A new study has revealed weaknesses in the dissemination and implementation of various international gender-related treaties that the country ratified.

Thursday, May 24, 2012
Ramadhan Barengayabo.

HUYE–A new study has revealed weaknesses in the dissemination and implementation of various international gender-related treaties that the country ratified.The study, conducted by the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), sought to identify international gender instruments (treaties, agreements, conventions, resolutions and declarations) which the government ratified while assessing the current status of implementation and reporting and proposing a comprehensive monitoring system to efficiently embrace them.A total of 143 government officials and the civil society were interviewed during the course of the research.The study, carried out last year and made public on Monday, shows that though a lot has been done to ensure gender equality, there is still a need to establish an implementation plan for each ratified treaty for all actors."There still lacks treaty implementation plan and no institutions take the responsibility to ensure the dissemination of ratified and published international and regional instruments,” the study says.It notes that since the Parliament’s Legal Commission, which was responsible for the dissemination of laws and treaties, was merged with the Political Commission, "there is no particular institution or body in charge of dissemination and follow up on gender related international and regional instruments.”It concludes that "even if much of the provisions of these instruments are unconsciously implemented throughout different sectors, there is lack of awareness on the same”.Speaking at the launch of the study, Ramadhan Barengayabo, the Deputy Chief Gender Monitor in charge of Gender, pointed out the need for every institution to take part in the propagation of gender related treaties and policies."Every organ, institution and individual must understand that disseminating and implementing gender related policies is a shared responsibility. Gender must be part of each and every activity so as to ensure the equality and equity between men and women,” he said.Nyanza District vice Mayor in charge of social affairs, Appoline Kambayire, told The New Times that the report will facilitate effective policy making and implementation to bring about greater gender parity.She cited limited budget, lack of enough skills and the misconception about gender equality among challenges, hindering the quick and proper implementation of gender policies.