Cell leaders get cash rewards

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — Three Administrative Cells in Rwamagana district were last week awarded prizes worth Frw4million in recognition of their hard work.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


RWAMAGANA — Three Administrative Cells in Rwamagana district were last week awarded prizes worth Frw4million in recognition of their hard work.

The awards were given during celebrations to mark Labour Day last Thursday at Rubona Sector headquarters. Karenge Cell which emerged best got a new laptop, modern office furniture including three chairs, a table and a cupboard. The cell Executive Secretary was awarded a cheque of Frw50,000, while the cell coordinator got a cheque of Frw25,000 also in recognition of their performance.

Byiza Cell also got office furniture in second position and its Executive Secretary received a cheque of Frw40.000. Zinga Cell emerged third.

Officiating at the ceremony, the district Mayor Valens Ntezirembo, explained that the cells were rewarded for initiating various projects aimed at transforming their areas and residents.

Ntezirembo said Karenge beat others for transforming their trading centre into a modern town. Helen Mukamuhoza, the cell leader told The New Times shortly after the function that the rural trading centre now has modern restaurants an internet café, a computer centre and scores of kiosks. She said local traders in the area decided to demolish all old buildings in the centre and constructed new ones to give the area a new face lift.

For Zinga cell, the Mayor said, they initiated an idea which enabled all residents to get medical insurance (Mutuelle de Sante).

"The residents of Zinga started by contributing small amounts of money and paid medical insurance for all residents. They have now saved over 10% of the medical insurance charges for all residents for the year 2008," he explained.

Commenting on Byiza’s position, the mayor said they constructed a six classroom block without any outside assistance.

He urged other cells in the district to emulate the winning cells to foster development.

Turning on the Labour Day celebrations, he urged residents to work hard in order to achieve economic development. He asked residents to be job creators and to add value to their products in order to make them competitive.

"Do not despise any work. Use your brains maximally to innovate projects that can earn money. Make savings and invest in profitable projects," Ntezirembo said.

Joseph Gahurura, of the workers union (CESTRAR), urged employers and employees to respect each other.

"You should respect the labour code and avoid victimizing or despising each other," Gahurura said. He appealed to government to remove some taxes especially on food products.
