Men know when you want to be wooed

Dear Its a Guy Thing, I am a 24-year-old woman who has never had a boyfriend. All my friends are in relationships; I feel childish in comparison, and have little to say when the conversation turns to love or sex.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dear Its a Guy Thing,I am a 24-year-old woman who has never had a boyfriend. All my friends are in relationships; I feel childish in comparison, and have little to say when the conversation turns to love or sex. It’s not that I’m desperate to settle down – I just feel hopelessly lacking in the emotional and physical experience everyone else seems to have. My close friends have reassured me it’s just because I’m quite shy, but I can’t help feeling inferior and ugly. How can I stop feeling ashamed and have more confidence? JanetDear Janet,You obviouslyt haven’t been giving guys the come get me vibe. I know that sounds silly but we actually have instinct that guide us towards women who are either consciously or sub-consciously available. You might think that men have a hit-and- miss game plan, and it seems that we do. But that isnt true. No one wants to waste time on someone who is obviously off the market, and we can ‘smell’ such a person a mile off. Trust me on this, when you finally choose to put yourself out there you will have men beating a path to your doorstep. Whether they will be the kind of men you want is another thing altogether.